
Vote for MFS on December 7 in the B101 Radio Christmas Choir Competition!

Dec 6, 2021

For the fourth consecutive year, the MFS Singers are one of nine semi-finalists in the Christmas Choir Competition sponsored by B101.1 FM, Philadelphia’s largest radio station!

The Singers need your help in order to continue advancing in this year’s competition. On Tuesday, December 7 at 7 a.m., their performance of “Happy Holiday/The Holiday Season” will be broadcast on B101 and then repeated at 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Voting begins shortly after 7 a.m. on B101’s website and ends at 9 p.m. Please cast your vote for MFS tomorrow – every vote counts!

The voting link is found here.  If you open that link now you will see today’s semifinalist schools, but tomorrow at 7 a.m., MFS and the other two Tuesday semifinalists will appear on the page. To vote for MFS, simply scroll down to where you can see a box to fill in your email address, then click “submit entry.” You will then be taken to the page where you can vote for MFS.

If the Singers advance to the finals, MFS will face two other finalists for prizes up to $5,000 that support the school’s music programs.


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