
Moorestown Friends School Community Celebrates 30th Thanksgiving Happening

Nov 23, 2021

A joyous tradition took place on Tuesday, November 23 as Moorestown Friends School celebrated the 30th “Thanksgiving Happening.”

Each year, prior to Thanksgiving, MFS students gather together for this special all-school tradition. Typically mixed-age groups of students, faculty, and staff create Thanksgiving gifts such as wreaths, tissue paper flowers, and murals to deliver to South Jersey nursing homes and continuing care facilities. Groups also come together for a song led by the music teachers, an interfaith prayer, a Thanksgiving story, and Meeting for Worship. This year, the tradition was adjusted in light of the pandemic and students gathered by their class or advisor group. Division-wide gatherings were held to kick off the event.

Thanksgiving Happening by the Numbers…

This is the MFS Community’s 30th Thanksgiving Happening.

Over 1000 crafts were made this afternoon by our MFS community for local nursing homes.

Over 250 cards were written and shared with loved ones. These cards emphasize our value in prioritizing intergenerational connections. 

Upper Schoolers made 15 blankets this afternoon to help keep those without a home warm in the winter months.

Upper Schoolers made 250 sandwiches and 144 cookies for Cathedral Kitchen. Cathedral Kitchen is the largest emergency food provider in the city of Camden. 

Over 200 students, staff, and families came out on Sunday to the school’s first annual Community Food Drive and Fun Event!

Over 100 Thanksgiving dinner bags have been put together from the MFS Food Drive for the families who live at Pyne Poynt Park in Camden. 

6 nursing homes will receive the placemats, scratchable leaves, and other crafts. Many residents will be celebrating Thanksgiving at these homes and will get to enjoy the holiday decor provided.

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