
Student Achieves Perfect Score on National German Exam; Earns National Gold Medal

Feb 25, 2020

Jenna Serotta ’23 is one of just five South Jersey students to be awarded the Level 3 Gold Medal and special recognition on the Presidential Honor Roll for outstanding performance on the 2020 National German Exam for High School Students. She received this award after achieving a perfect score on both sections of the Level 3 National German Exam sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG).

Over 18,600 students participated in the exam this year. The National German Exam, now in its 60th year, rewards students through an extensive prize program and provides a means of comparing students in all regions of the U.S.

Since MFS does not offer German language instruction, Jenna asked French Teacher Jen Murphy to serve as her advisor in order for her to sit for the exam. “Jenna is a completely self-motivated German student,” said Ms. Murphy. “I’m very proud of her.”

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