
Sixth Graders Attend Clean Ocean Action Summit at Island Beach State Park

Oct 25, 2023

All sixth grade students traveled to Island Beach State Park yesterday to participate in the 35th Annual Clean Ocean Action Fall Student Summit. Students took part in field workshops that highlighted a number of topics about the marine ecosystem and enjoyed hands-on science activities.

Reported Science Teacher Matt Lubicky: “There were many schools represented from South Jersey, who sent their middle schoolers to learn a bit more about the ocean on their doorstep. Kids were involved in several short field trips that highlighted the coastline of Island Beach State Park where they explored for evidence of shelled creatures, measured the beach slope, and learned about the dunes. They also got a chance to participate in mini-classes with the high schoolers of MATES (Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science). They had lessons on watersheds, experimental science, terrapins, horseshoe crabs, marine invertebrates, and marine debris. It was a fun field trip filled with science and singing Taylor Swift songs on the bus!”

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