Fourth Grader Presents Nicaraguan Artifacts and Performs Folklore Dance as Part of Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

Earlier this Fall, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage month (September 15-October 15), Sadie Guzman ’30 presented Katherine Temple’s fourth grade class with Nicaraguan artifacts and a folklore dance known as Los Dos Bolillos. The artifacts, brought from her home, included a carved wooden crest similar to the one featured on the Nicaraguan flag, a doll wearing a traditional folklore dance costume, and a ceramic “gordita” figurine. Prior to her performance, Sadie explained that the dance is learned by each of the women in her family and performed in a traditional Nicaraguan dress. Made by her great-grandmother, her dress featured a vibrant pink fabric with light pink lines and pink flowers decorating her hair. Sadie performed the full four-minute Los Dos Bolillos dance to complete her presentation.