
The 2016 Lower School and Grade 5 Art Show, celebrating color and light, was displayed from May 16-20 in Stokes Hall Lobby. In addition to the year-round art curriculum, Art Teacher Tara Wosiski leads community works in each grade level, as well as one collective piece created by all Preschool – Grade 5 students. This year’s collective community work was an installation piece inspired by artist Suzan Drummen. Each grade level created radial patterns, developed the color structure, and placed the individual gems onto the large mylar circles. Meditation was a focus while learning to create intricate radial patterns.

“The art show showcases individual works which students create throughout the school year that focus on skill building, technique, medium exploration, artist studies, and the elements and principles of design,” said Mrs. Wosiski. “The added community art element highlights the Quaker testimonies (simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship) and fosters teamwork, skill sharing, and effective communication.”  

The two Preschool classes collaborated on a Matisse-inspired work for their community art piece, learning about different shapes and color. Prekindergarten students studied Matisse and Calder from whose work they were inspired to create hanging elements for a mobile based on color theory. Kindergarten, first grade, and third grade assembled a two-piece crayon mosaic titled “Sunrise Sunset.” Second graders worked in pairs to weave a large God’s eye, navigating together how to hold and wrap pieces accurately. Fourth grade classes created a diptych painting that focused on the Quaker testimonies and how students incorporate the testimonies into their lives. Color theory and balance were considered when the fourth graders chose placement for each acrylic paint color on their canvas. Fifth grade created a hanging installation piece of radial patterns incorporating text that reflects on the Quaker testimonies. Students worked in pairs to collaboratively design each side of their disc.


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