
Click to View Photos of LS “adopting” US Athletes

Building School Community Connections

This fall, a few Lower School classes have “adopted” a varsity sports team. Throughout the fall season, the Lower School students befriended and followed the athletic progress of the Upper School members of the Girls’ Tennis, Field Hockey, Girls’ Soccer, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Cross Country, and Boys’ Cross Country teams. Lisa Martin’s prekindergarten class has adopted the Girls’ Tennis team. Fourth graders in Sarah Rotter’s class adopted the Field Hockey team. Emily Gojman’s fourth grade students have adopted the Boys’ Soccer team. Kindergarten students in Emily Bowditch’s class adopted the members of the Girls’ Soccer team. Ted Quinn’s third graders have adopted the runners on both the Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country team.

Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Developing Friendships with Upper School Athletes

During their initial visit to the Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms, the Girls’ Tennis and Girls’ Soccer athletes introduced themselves and shared details about their sport, specific positions, and goals for the season. Prekindergarteners and kindergarteners, in anticipation of their adopted team’s’ visit, made some drawings and “good luck” cards for their Upper School buddies.

Team captains kept in touch with their adopted Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classroom with game updates and dates of home games on campus. When any big wins or milestones were reached, the Lower and Upper School students celebrated together. After a big tournament win, members of the Girls’ soccer team specifically thanked their Kindergarten buddies for their loud cheering throughout the game.


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