Model UN Students Enjoy Success at 2019 Rutgers Conference
Upper School Model United Nations (MUN) students traveled to New Brunswick from December 5-8 for the Rutgers MUN Conference.
Commented advisor and History Department Chair Clark Thomson: “On a cold December Sunday, our bus carried us home with fond memories of an amazing Model UN dancing in our heads. The conference was a ringing success for the MFS delegation.”
The following students were recognized for their achievements:
Roma Jha ’22 and Kayla Patel ’21 earned a gavel as Outstanding Delegation in the UN Human Rights Council.
Christine Chandran ’21 and Aani Desai ’22 earned a gavel as Best Delegation in the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Aaron Klein ’20 and Heera Delal ’23 (in his first conference) earned a gavel as Best Delegation in the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.