
by Charlie Tanas ’20, Marketing and Communications Student Intern

The unique club program in the Moorestown Friends Upper School opens doors for students to pursue their passions and take part in extracurricular activities. MFS clubs are entirely student run, meaning that students are able to explore their own passions in an enjoyable, pressure free environment. MFS clubs meet once every six day cycle during the high school lunch period, and range anywhere from Dance Team to Service Committee to the Women in STEM Club.

“The great part about the MFS clubs program is that it allows students to pursue their specific passions,” says Math Teacher and Investment Club Advisor Ron Obermeier. “This makes it easy for students with similar passions to connect with each other and learn new skills.”

“One of the things that I love about our club program is that you never feel left out,” said Henry Powell ’20. “Whether you love playing tabletop games, or simulating policies of countries in the UN, there’s always a club for you to go to and see if it’s something you like.”

In addition to providing students with an outlet to pursue their passions, MFS allows its clubs to grow as far as their leaders are willing to manage. Over the past year, the Model United Nations team nearly doubled in membership, allowing the club to evolve into an academic minor course in the Upper School. This year, Model UN participated in three multi-school conferences and had numerous students receive outstanding delegate awards at every single conference.

“The environment, freedom, and community that MFS clubs bring to the school created a whole new learning atmosphere for me,” said Jackson Fox ’20.