
Moorestown Friends School junior Matthew Scalamandre was recently accepted to the New Jersey Governor’s School of Engineering & Technology, which brings together some of New Jersey’s brightest youth for one month each summer at Rutgers University. Admission to the program is extremely competitive.

Free of grades and official credit, students spend part of the summer on campus at no cost to their families. The $3,000 tuition is covered in full by donations from around the state. Participants enroll in five academic courses, choosing from topics such as Robotics, Modern Physics, Design Experience, Laboratory Experience, and Technical Analysis.

During the program, students have the opportunity to collaborate with two to four students on a novel research project, which they then showcase in a conference-style final paper and presentation in front of hundreds of guests at the Governor’s School research symposium.

Students also participate in a variety of life-skills workshops, attend site visits to local corporations, and engage in activities that will help them connect with professors, professionals, and peers from throughout the state. In the past, students have had the opportunity to learn about career paths at Bloomberg, Google, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, the U.S. Golf Association, and more.

Guest speakers discuss topics such as eco-responsibility, patent law, urban entrepreneurship, financial careers for engineers, resume writing, and computational complexity.

For more information about the Governor’s School of Engineering & Technology, please visit the official website.