
MFS Theatre Department Presents Frozen Jr. April 19-20

Apr 18, 2024

The MFS Theatre Department will present the Middle School musical Frozen Jr. on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20, both at 7 p.m.

The story expands upon true love, acceptance, and the emotional relationship and journey between Princesses Anna and Elsa. When faced with danger, the two discover their hidden potential and the powerful bond of sisterhood. With a cast of beloved characters and loaded with magic, adventure, and plenty of humor, Frozen Jr. is sure to thaw even the coldest heart!

Cast: Nick Barrucco ’30, Ava Bryson ’30, Alexa Cohen ’29, Audrey DiMaurizio ’28, Sarah DiPalma ’30, Lauren Eickhoff ’30, Ryan Eickhoff ’29, Lana Friedenthal ’30, Bryn Fullerton ’30, Gwyn Glos ’28, Emily Gray ’30, Sadie Guzman ’30, Trent Iacono ’28, Bella Jones ’29, Chase Loi ’30, Siena Lo Re ’28, Safiya Lowe ’28, Margo Macaluso ’30, Chloe Mainwaring ’29, Allegra McGinniss ’30, Rylie Molino ’29, Hunter Norman ’30, Bersu Ozbay ’28, Nolan Phillips ’28, Sanaa Rodwell-Simon ’28, Suki Shi ’29, Diem Still ’30, Prem Vance-Harris ’29, Brielle Vera ’29, Tori Williams ’30

Enjoy photos of the Frozen Jr. dress rehearsal here.  

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