Capstone Project Highlight Series: Eva Vanterpool ’23

As a young activist, Eva Vanterpool ’23 wanted her Capstone Project to reflect and expand on her interest in social justice. After surveying MFS Upper School students, learning how to set-up and use podcast equipment, determining interviewees, and completing months of research, she completed both a written report and an eight-episode podcast series. Her survey asked questions about personal demographics and identifiers, how MFS supports those identities, and possible improvements and areas of growth. The answers helped her to gain an understanding of individual student experience in the Upper School and then produce a report that summarized and elaborated on the receptiveness of MFS students to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) principles present within the school community. The podcast “Let’s Talk: Creating Change Through Our Outrage,” which featured guests from both inside and outside of the school community, created a space for discussion about current social justice issues and provided advice and opportunities for advocacy. Each podcast was supplemented by resources related to the topic of conversation. Eva’s overall goal was to provide listeners with “the tools to combat all of the injustices that plague society by giving … resources to create change from the people who are directly affected by systemic oppression.”
Each year, a number of junior and senior class members choose to participate in the MFS Capstone Program. Designed to challenge students who wish to pursue advanced study in a particular field, the program asks participants to produce scholarly work by engaging in independent research and/or creative development under the guidance of an MFS faculty member. Enjoy a sampling of recently completed projects from the Class of 2023.