
Financial Aid

If you believe Moorestown Friends School is the right place for your family, we want to help you be a part of our community! 

With a commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive community, MFS offers over $3.3 million of financial aid to qualified students in grades 1 to grade 12. Applying for financial aid in no way affects the admission decision. Financial aid is awarded on the basis of financial need and almost one-third of our students receive some kind of assistance. The average income of a family receiving aid is about $150,000; the average financial aid award is about $13,500

If you have questions about financial aid at Moorestown Friends School, we encourage you to contact the Admissions Office at (856) 914-4426 or admiss@mfriends.org.

Apply for Financial Aid Now
  1. Go to the SSS Family Portal
  2. Click on the prompt to begin your Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS). You only have to complete one PFS even if you have several children applying to our school. 
    • For parents who are separated or divorced or have never been married, the noncustodial parent must also complete a separate PFS.
  3. You will be given a password that will allow you to return to your PFS at a later date before submitting it.
  4. You will be given instructions about submitting copies of required backup documents (1040 income tax return(s), all schedules submitted to the IRS with the 1040, both parents’ W-2 forms, Business and Farm Statementif applicable, and the IRS form #4506-T). Your documents will be handled with the utmost level of security. Click here to read more about SSS’s document security.


Note: All financial aid applications for the 2022-2023 academic year must be filed online.

We would like to do everything possible to make a Moorestown Friends School education available to your child. Since financial aid is limited, it is to your benefit to submit the required information by the deadline.

Awarding Procedures

The total amount of financial aid granted each year is determined by the School Committee which is the governing body of Moorestown Friends School.

General Information
  1. Determination of Tuition Aid — Grants are awarded by the Financial Aid Committee. It is composed of the Director of Enrollment Management, the Associate Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, and the Director of Finance and Operations, in consultation with the Head of School and the Division Directors. All information submitted in support of such applications is strictly confidential.
  2. Basis for Grants — A family’s financial need is the primary consideration in determining awards.
  3. Limitations — Grants are not transferable from one child to another in the same family. Beginning in Grade 9, the first $1,000 awarded is in the form of a loan with the remainder of the award in the form of a grant. Grants are applied only to tuition costs and all awards are made on the basis of yearly application.
  4. Conditions – A financial aid request will be considered by the Financial Aid Committee on the condition that the following requirements are met:
    • The student is enrolled for the school year for which the financial aid request is made and the
      enrollment deposit has been paid.
    • In the case of students presently enrolled, all current financial obligations to the School have been paid.
Awarding Procedures and Responsibilities
  1. Grants are made by the Financial Aid Committee at meetings. Letters will be emailed confirming awards shortly after these meetings.
  2. The enrollment deposit is refundable only if a family determines that the financial aid award is not sufficient to permit the child to attend MFS. Within two weeks of notification of the financial aid award, the school must be notified in writing to that effect before the deposit can be refunded.

For more information, contact the Admissions Office via email or by phone at (856) 914-4426.

Join us at an OPEN HOUSE

Great Kids, Going Places

Great Kids Going Places Feature 2024

Admissions Open House

Saturday, February 22 – 10 a.m. – Noon
Register today to reserve your spot!