Adam Serlin ‘02 Featured in Philadelphia Inquirer Article Focusing on Inequities in City Juvenile Justice System
A report co-authored by Adam Serlin on the state of girls’ justice in Philadelphia was featured in the April 4 edition of The Philadelphia Inquirer in an article titled “Philly’s juvenile-justice system leaves girls out of programs that could help them, new report says.” The report offers more than 30 recommendations on how to reform Philadelphia’s juvenile justice system, which routinely leaves girls out of programs designed to divert youth from detention facilities.
Adam was quoted in the article: “The organizing principle of our work … is to display how a targeted redesign of the juvenile justice system for girls may offer leaders a unique chance … to craft a fairer system for all youth,” he said. A former youth justice fellow with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, Adam is Founder and Principal of Independent Variable, a consulting firm that uses technology and design principles to help nonprofit and public sector entities reimagine more equitable and effective service delivery models.
Alumni News
Emma Baiada ’10 Earns 2020 Grammy Nomination for Best Music Film
At this morning's Grammy nominations announcement ceremony, Emma Baiada '10 received a nomination for Best Music Film. Emma earned this honor for her work as video producer on the documentary series Shangri-La, which explores creative conversation and the...
The Fall 2019 Issue of Among Friends is Here!
Click here to browse the full web edition, or click the links below to read individual articles. The Legacy of Alice Paul at MFS and Beyond Alice Paul at MFS – Past and Present Alice Paul at a Glance Alice Paul Photo Gallery Service Award: Patricia Ann Metzer ’59...
Sujin Kim ’18 and Michigan Teammates Capture Big Ten Rowing Title
Sujin Kim ’18 (middle) is a member of the Big 10 champion University of Michigan Women’s Rowing team. The Wolverines won the championship this past weekend at Devil’s Creek Lake in Baraboo, WI. Sujin was the coxswain on the First Varsity Four team which...