Partners in Parenting
Dorothy López
Director of Diversity and Inclusion and Director of Camden Scholars Program
Jake Stein Greenberg
History Teacher/Middle School Advisory Program Co-Coordinator
Erik Curtis
Woodworking & 3D Design Teacher/Middle School Advisor
Kimberly Clarkson
Middle School Director
At Moorestown Friends School, our Middle School teachers are your Partners in Parenting.
Mindful of the space necessary to allow students to learn how to become responsible young adults, we support them as they make moral and ethical decisions in their lives inside and outside the classroom.
In other contexts you might hear middle school described as challenging, difficult, tumultuous, or problematic. We disagree. At Moorestown Friends School we firmly believe the middle school years are a dynamic and exciting time in a young person’s life. Each day is viewed as an opportunity to help grow moral and ethical leaders for our local and global community. The partnership between school and family is critical at this time in student’s life.
In the Moorestown Friends Middle School we have numerous programs and resources to facilitate this partnership:
A robust Advisory program: Faculty advisors meet twice every six days with a small group of advisees to monitor academic, social, and emotional progress, while also facilitating discussions and developing skills related to important topics such as identity, stress management, organizational skills, goal setting and self-advocacy, peer relationships, and leadership development. The program is updated throughout the year by the Middle School Advisory Program Co-Coordinators with the support of a faculty committee.
Student-involved and student-led parent/guardian conferences: Each student works with their advisor to prepare for and participate in (or lead) their fall conference with parents or guardians. Involving students in these important conversations helps foster increased accountability and ownership for the learning process. Students set goals, reflect on their progress, and identify areas where growth is needed. Developing the skills to clearly identify and articulate these aspects of their academic experience is a critical part of the growth our students demonstrate during middle school.
A commitment to diversity and inclusion: Moorestown Friends School has an institutional commitment to growing all community members in their understanding of the diversity within and beyond our school. Engaging students so they expand their cultural competency is important work to help them develop skills critical to interacting with the world around them. With the support of their advisors and of our Middle School Diversity Coordinator, student members of our Middle School Diversity Club and Middle School PRIDE Club are empowered to lead discussions and learning experiences with their peers.
Off-campus learning experiences: There are tremendous opportunities available to our students in the South Jersey and Greater Philadelphia areas. While day trips are a key element of the student experience at all grade levels, at each grade level in the Moorestown Friends Middle School the entire class participates in an overnight trip. Not only do these experiences allow our students to visit a range of locations that provide experiential learning, they also develop skills related to self-sufficiency and independence. In addition to our Intensive Learning program, our 7th grade class takes an overnight trip to Washington, DC each year.