

A Typical Day’s Schedule

Morning Activity Time Children choose from a variety of activities that may include an art experience, cooperative games, sensory activities or table manipulatives. This time provides opportunity for Prekindergarten students to greet each other and make a calm transition into our classroom. It also allows time for the teacher to speak individually with each child and their parent.

Morning Meeting To build classroom community and prepare students for a successful school day, children come together for a Responsive Classroom based meeting. During this time, students greet each other warmly, engage in a sharing activity, enjoy a community building game, and read a morning message composed by the teacher.  A morning message is read which discusses the days of the week, classroom jobs, and the daily schedule and events. Learning center activities are presented to help each child plan their exploration of morning choices.

Center Exploration The children initiate and actively engage in a variety of learning experiences in which they can represent what they are learning through the use of art, puzzles, cooperative and manipulative games, math, writing, block building, science, and dramatic play. These activities may be theme related or an extension of the group’s interest. During center time, the teacher is able to work with a small group of children or with an individual child. Mid-morning snack also occurs during this time.

Literacy A variety of literature is introduced which focus on one of seven key components for reading success: rhyming, sequencing, alliteration, letter identification, letter sounds, vocabulary, and comprehension. The children participate in whole group, small group and partner reading experiences. They utilize big books, small book copies, and a variety of hands-on materials and activities to facilitate their learning.

Snack A snack is provided by families. Before snack is served, the children settle into a moment of silence. Afterwards the children practice good manners, self-help, and conversational skills as they enjoy a nutrition break.

Recess Climbing equipment, swings, slides and the sandbox provide opportunities for developing gross motor skills. Social skills and conflict resolution skills are put into practice daily with teacher guidance.

Teacher Activity Time The children participate in several teacher-directed tasks derived from the literacy, handwriting, and math curriculum each week. Learning experiences during this time also involve art, listening, and small and large muscle skills.

Handwriting Activities The core handwriting readiness skills of pencil grip, letter recognition, capital letter formation, and body awareness are taught through the use of music, movement, and multi-sensory manipulatives. The children color in workbooks, practice writing their first and last names, and build and make capital letters using roll-a-dough trays, stamp and see screens, chalk and slates, and wooden pieces from the Handwriting Without Tears program.

Special Area Class To enrich their day and build specialized skills, students attend many special classes including coding, music, science, Quaker Education, library, and physical education.

Lunch Lunch provides a relaxing social time as well as the opportunity to practice table manners and self-help skills.

Math The children engage in small group and individual activities that are both teacher-directed and student-selected.. A variety of manipulatives are used to introduce and reinforce mathematical topics such as sorting, comparing, two and three-dimensional shapes, measurement, patterns, and number concepts.

Rest and Relaxation A time for rest, relaxation, reflection, books, drawing, and listening to quiet music.

Closing Meeting A variety of learning experiences are provided that support our curricular programs. The highlights and events of the day are reviewed as well as a sneak-peak into the following day is shared.  The children end their day with a song and a goodbye handshake for friends and teachers.


Program Features

For children who are 4 years old by September 30.

  • Extended Day Options
  • Full Day, Five Days a Week
  • Small Class Size of about 16
  • 1:8 Teacher Student Ratio
  • Prekindergarten Literacy Program
  • Prekindergarten Mathematics Program
  • Handwriting Without Tears
  • Quaker Values


  • Coding
  • Science
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Library
  • Quaker Education

Special Events

  • All-School Picnic
  • All-School Thanksgiving Happening
  • Winter Concert
  • Spring Musical
  • Grandparents Day
  • End-of-Year Family Party

Click here to view more photos of the Lower School (Preschool – Grade 4) at Moorestown Friends.

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