School Committee
The School Committee, or Board of Trustees, donates a considerable amount of time, financial support, and interest to guiding the affairs of the school. The overall and ultimate responsibility for school management and policies lies with the School Committee. Standing sub-committees include: Advisory, Assets, Development, Governance, and Quaker Values.

School Committee
Ivy Brown ’89, Clerk
Haley Coles Driscoll ’86, Assistant Clerk
Andrew Searle Pang ’80, Recording Clerk
Carol Henry ’71, Treasurer
Kennette Banks ’02
Brett Berman
Julia de la Torre, Ex Officio
Kirk Fullerton
Jennifer Galambos
Mindy Holman
Janice Johnston ’88
Braheim Knight ’92
Timothy Kreider ’00
Neuman “Larry” Leverett ’91
Christopher Lloyd ’05
Alexandra Stark ’06
Nicole Young ’06