
MFS Spaces We Love 

Generations of students have walked the halls, traversed the playing fields, graced the stage, worked in the art room, and so much more at Moorestown Friends School. Alumni were asked to identify “Spaces We Love” and a great number and variety of responses were provided. Due to the large number received, all submissions were not able to be included. Enjoy viewing some sample spaces from this feature in the Spring 2024 issue, while thinking about the MFS Spaces YOU Love!

“I enjoyed the view out onto the fields and Oval from Title the second floor windows of the main stairs outside the Auditorium. I love looking out the windows and remembering back to my days playing lacrosse; plus the view onto the Oval remembering my Graduation day.” – Lisa Thomas Martin ’84 Lower School Technology Teacher

“The Upper School office was a great place to visit during the day to see and chat with some of the most kind and influential people I met at MFS. The people really make the place.” – Ava Carlson ’22

“I’ll always remember the WordsWorth Fox Tracks Studio as a truly collaborative environment where some student drafts of two- to three-minute news segments could be transformed into a half-hour long production with the help of the student-led team. With so many additional hours spent outside of class in this space, I’ll never forget the people who occupied the studio with me for so long.” –Shelby Deibler ’20

“I loved a few parts of the old Elementary School building… The fire escapes – especially the slide out the window of the second grade classroom, the ladder up out of the alcove in the gym, and the metal steps from (I think) the fourth grade classroom. The window seats in the library – much coveted. The art room with its wall of windows facing the Meeting House and its big tables. Ms. Cowan and my classroom teacher (not sure which) let me paint a mural alone there, which would be mailed to our penpals in France. The girder in the fifth grade classroom to which my desk abutted; where I sat when Mrs. Clausen motioned Mrs. Caughey to the door for a few moments, and then we were told that President Kennedy was shot. We had a moment of silence. And after a while, we were sent home early.” – Francie Bobbe Pearce ’71

The former Lower School building was located on the land directly behind the current school sign.


“The Baiada Field House Gym has a special place in my heart. As someone who attended MFS from Kindergarten to Graduation, I spent a large quantity of my time in the gym, whether it was for assemblies to gaze at wild animals, to stretch for a PE class, or play seven years of basketball. There was something about walking into the gym, seeing the beautiful wood flooring, and the decorative painted logo in the middle that made me feel as if I was home. Now, as a freshman in college, I miss the gym, and playing sports, dearly. Running onto the court, hearing cheers from loyal MFS fans, and working so hard with my teammates to win brings fond memories to my mind. I can hear the echoes of my supportive coaches, the clapping of cheering parents, and the welcoming smiles of all of my teammates. I am forever thankful for the Field House, home to so many events, memories, and experiences.” – Alissa Fox ’23